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Bewitching Tales From Issan


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Here's a topic I haven't seen much about, but I've long heard that most Thai's are exstremely superstisious. Can anyone shed some light on this? There's got to be some funny stories out there.

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"Pii Lok" is a popular expression among BGs.Remember of young one who while lying on my bed stared at the ceiling,seemingly very scared.A ghost just showed up.A couple of days later she was talking about this in a taxi going back to my place.The taxi overhearing her had a bit of a laugh and she scorled him meaning it was a serious matter.


The nice driver than taught her a few sentences to repeat to scare the ghost(sorry I can't get the right word at the moment).And she quickly took a paper to write them down.And back in the room went on with this incantation


Afterwards I fucked her mouth,pussy and ass but jeez I have a hard time remembering an interesting discussion with a BKK BG.To get back to the topic,she was from Isaan

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I enjoy a good cemetery. I love old cemeteries. The Chinese ones are great (especially the one in Melaka, Malysia, the largest one outside of China itself). My wife, who is HIGHLY educated and NOT from a rural background, STILL feels incredibly uneasy in them. She tries not to be superstitious, but my fondness for cemeteries just knocks her for a loop. At least I can actually get her to go inside one during the day, but no way at night.

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Going on about the non rural superstitions,you find quite a few white painting inscriptions on Bangkok doors,they are supposed to keep ghosts(or bad spirits?) away i understood.In the Bangkok Nursing Hospital they are as obvious as modern surgical material.So no need to worry when you check in there!

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If you are a member of the site, I suggest you check out the article section. I have added an article on just this topic. It deals with ghosts, dreams, numbers, amulets, etc.




You might also want to check out the article on traditional tattoos.







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